Neutron star are create when large stars finished all of fuel and collapse.if you want neutron star, size of the star that's greater than 1.5 sun masses and less than 5 times the mass of the sun.

         if the star size is more than 5 times the mass of sun,star will and up as a black hole.but if the star is right in between those masses, it became neutron star.

    if the star size is less than 1.5 solar masses,than the star don't have enough material and gravity to compress the object down enough. you only get the white dwarf. this is what will happen to our own sun one day.

         the neutron star is formed when the star runs out of own fuel and collapses inward on itself. the protons and electrons of atoms are forced together into neutron star.since the star still has a lot of gravity, any additional material falling into the neutron star is super accelerated by the gravity and turned into identical neutron material.

          just one small spoon of a neutron star would have mass of over 5E12 is the weigh of about 3 burj khalifa building. a neutron star actually has different layers. astronomers think there's an outer shell of of atomic nuclei with electrons about 1 meter thick. below this crust, you get nuclei with increasing numbers of neutrons. these would decay quickly on earth, but the intense pressure of the gravity keeps them stable.

          when neutron star form, they maintain the momentum of the entire star, but now they are just a few kilometers across. this causes them to spin at tremendous rates, sometimes as fast as hundreds of times of second.


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